'Colonial Lady'

'Julius Nuccio'


'Red Crystal'

People's Choice
Virtual Camellia Show 2020
Because Oregon Camellia Society was not able to hold in-person shows this year at the Portland Japanese Garden and Newberg Camellia Festival, we are excited to offer an online show.
Voting for your favorite camellia was held from April 8 through April 18, selecting one camellia in each of the following seven categories.
The results are in...
A. Single
Most Popular: A2 'Yume' Exhibitor Kathy Lintault
2nd Place: A5 'Sunny Side' Exhibitor Beth Little
B. Semi-Double
Most Popular: B12 'Haru-no-utena' Exhibitor Martha Ragland
2nd Place: B10 'Valley Knudsen' Exhibitor Denis Dooley
C. Anemone
Most Popular: C10 'Tinker Bell' Exhibitor Roger Lintault
2nd Place: C5 'Elegans Splendor' Exhibitor Denis Dooley
D. Peony Form
Most Popular: D5 'Margaret Davis' Exhibitor Collier Brown
2nd Place: D3 'Jean Clere' Exhibitor Grace Bayley
E. Rose-Form Double
Most Popular: E4 'Ruth Tinkle' Exhibitor Collier Brown
2nd Place: E5 'Lemon Drop' Exhibitor Kathy Lintault
F. Formal Double
Most Popular: F6 'Nuccio's Pearl' Exhibitor Steve Ruml
2nd Place: F8 'Nuccio's Gem' Exhibitor Collier Brown
G. Higo
Most Popular: G2 'Mangetsu' Exhibitor Kathy Lintault
2nd Place: G5 'Ohkan' Exhibitor Grace Bayley
A big thanks to all who exhibited camellia photos for this virtual show. Their names are beneath the photos.
Also, at the bottom is a section, Can You Identify? If you can come up with a camellia's name, use the CONTACT US form, give the camellia's ID number and the suggested name. Then possible names will be added under the camellia photo.
A. Single—236 total votes

A1 'Full Moon Rising'
Garland Bayley

A2 'Yume'
Most Popular 54 votes
Kathy Lintault

A3 'Spring Mist'
Grace Bayley

A4 'Tsuki-no-wa'
Roger Lintault

A5 'Sunny Side'
2nd Place 40 votes
Beth Little

A6 'Amabilis'
Denis Dooley

A7 'Unryu'
Linda Rectanus

A8 grijsii
Susan Haywood

A9 'Minato-no-haru'
Steve Ruml

A10 'Kimberley'
Martha Ragland

A11 'Golden Spangles'
Collier Brown

A12 'Fishtail'
Brady Sheets
B. Semi-Double—238 total votes

B1 'Spanked Baby'
Garland Bayley

B4 'Tama Glitters'
Grace Bayley

B2 'Atomic Red'
Beth Little

B5 'Lily Pons'
Collier Brown

B3 'Lasca Beauty'
Steve Ruml

B6 'City of Newberg'
Roger Lintault

B7 'Momoji-no-higurashi'
Linda Rectanus

B8 'Ack-Scent Sno'
Susan Haywood

B9 'Taylor's Perfection'
Bryan Stewart

B10 'Valley Knudsen'
2nd Place 24 votes Oregon Camellia Society
Denis Dooley
B11 'Shibori Egao Corkscrew'
B12 'Haru-no-utena'
Most Popular 33 votes
Martha Ragland

B13 'Blood of China'
Chris Goldstein

B14 'Eleanor McCown'
Chris Dooley

B15 'Bob Hope'
Terri Stewart

B16 'Oo-La-La!'
Kathy Lintault
C. Anemone—240 total votes

C1 'Shikibu'
Garland Bayley

C4 'Bob's Tinsie'
Grace Bayley

C7 'Jingle Bells'
Martha Ragland

C2 'Jury's Yellow'
Beth Little

C5 'Elegans Splendor'
2nd Place 37 votes
Denis Dooley

C8 'Tinsie'
Collier Brown

C3 'Candy Mint'
Kathy Lintault

C6 'Brushfield's Yellow'
Chris Dooley

C9 'Bob's Tinsie'
Bryan Stewart
C10 'Tinker Bell'
Most Popular 60 votes
Roger Lintault
D. Peony Form—239 total votes

D1 'Debbie'
Garland Bayley

D2 'Debbie'
Lois Moss

D3 'Jean Clere'
2nd Place 46 votes
Grace Bayley

D4 'Anticipation'
Kathy Lintault

D5 'Margaret Davis'
Most Popular 67 votes
Collier Brown

D6 'Peter Pan'
Roger Lintault

D7 'Tomorrow's Dawn'
Martha Ragland

D8 'Kumasaka'
Chris Goldstein
E. Rose-Form Double—239 total votes

E1 'Spring Festival'
Garland Bayley

E2 'Elizabeth Dowd Rose'
Grace Bayley

E3 'Diddy's Pink Organdie'
Beth Little

E4 'Ruth Tinkle'
Most Popular 59 votes
Collier Brown

E5 'Lemon Drop'
2nd Place 40 votes
Kathy Lintault

E6 'Tamzin Coull'
Joe Hannan

E 7 'Kumasaka'
Shelley Hannan

E8 'In the Pink'
Martha Ragland

E9 'Little Man'
Roger Lintault

E10 'Kumasaka'
Bryan Stewart

E11 'April Kiss'
Denis Dooley
F. Formal Double—240 total count

F1 'Donnan's Dream'
Garland Bayley
F2 'Nuccio's Pearl'
Shelley Hannan

F3 'Mrs. Tingley'
Lois Moss

F4 'Bella Romana'
Grace Bayley

F5 'Commander Mulroy'
Beth Little

F6 'Nuccio's Pearl'
Most Popular 52 votes
Steve Ruml

F7 'Ella Ward Parsons'
Martha Ragland

F8 'Nuccio's Gem
2nd Place 34 votes
Collier Brown

F9 'Anzac'
Denis Dooley

F10 'Twilight'
Bryan Stewart

F11 'Mrs. Lurman'
Kathy Lintault

F12 'Nuccio's Gem'
Terri Stewart
G. Higo—238 total votes

G1 'Ohkan'
Beth Little

G2 'Mangetsu'
Most Popular 82 votes
Kathy Lintault

G3 'Asagao'
Roger Lintault

G4 'Jitsu-getsu-sei'
Garland Bayley

G5 'Ohkan'
2nd Place 63 votes
Grace Bayley

G6 'Ki Karaku'
Denis Dooley

G7 'Ohkan'
Martha Ragland

G8 'Ohkan'
Collier Brown
H. Can You Identify?

H1 'Flame' ?
'Red Hots?
'Wildfire' ?

H4 & H5 from same plant—possibly a Japanese name

H7 'Carolyn Felkel' ?

H2 'Margaret Jack' aka 'Finlandia
Variegated' ?
Cultivar developed from 'Nioi
Fubuki' ?


H4 & H5 from same plant—possibly a Japanese name

H6 'Wildwood'

In closing...Camellia Views in Newberg, Oregon

'R. L. Wheeler'
Bryan Stewart