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'Pink Dahlia'

'Silver Anniversary'

'Marie Bracey'

'Taylor's Perfection'

''Nicky Crisp'
Reference Books
Franco Ghirardi. Higo Camellia: A Flower for the Third Millennium. Italy: Maria Pacini Fazzi Editore, 2000.
Bradford King, ed. Camellia Nomenclature. The Southern California Camellia Society, Inc., 2014.
Stirling Macoboy. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Camellias. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press, 1998.
Jennifer Trehane. Camellias: The Gardener's Encyclopedia. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press, 2007.
Jennifer Trehane. Camellias: The Complete Guide to their Cultivation and Use. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press, 1998.
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