
'Princess Masako'

'Firedance Variegated'


'Night Rider'
Your interest in camellias can lead you to membership in camellias societies, both near and far.
Oregon Camellia Society
American Camellia Society
International Camellia Society

The Oregon Camellia Society is a social organization that promotes the propagation, growing, and appreciation of camellias. As a member you will have access to meetings, open gardens, field trips, camellia shows, and a newsletter as well as the camaraderie of members who have hundreds of years of collective experience in growing and showing camellias. Also included is membership in the Oregon State Federation of Garden Clubs, Pioneer District, which offers information about local garden club activities through its newsletters and two annual luncheons, provides scholarships, supports the Blue Star Memorial Marker program, and more.
Annual OCS membership: Individual $10.00 Family $15.00
The American Camellia Society puts the camellia on a national stage, offering the experiences of camellia gardeners around the United States through online advice and publication articles reaching back to 1946, plus much more. Introductory online electronic membership is $10.00. Online electronic membership is $20.00 single/joint. Regular membership which includes printed copies of The Camellia Journal and ACS Yearbook is $30.00 single/joint per year.
The International Camellia Society offers the knowledge and experiences of camellia lovers around the globe as well as friendships that develop cross borders. Each year you'll receive a colorful journal, and every other year, you'll have the opportunity to attend a camellia congress in places such as China, Italy, Japan, and France. Individual membership is $18.00 for Online Journal or $30.00 Printed Journal.